Photek has been developing and manufacturing photon and particle detectors for photon detection for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications since 1991.
Renowned for performance and reliability, Photek detectors are designed to meet our customers’ most demanding applications.
Photek has been developing and manufacturing photon and particle detectors for photon detection for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications since 1991.
Renowned for performance and reliability, Photek detectors are designed to meet our customers’ most demanding applications.
- Overview
- Image Diodes
- Image Intensifiers
- Photomultipliers
- AuraTek Photon Counter
- Photodiodes
- Magnetic Focus
- Demagnifiers
- Streak Tubes
- Vacuum Detector
- Overview
- HRPCS Photon Counting
- IPD Photon Counting
- iCMOS 160
- Analysis Software
- Accessories
- Custom Design
- N-Cam
- Velocitas VMI
- Power Supplies
- Gating Modules
- Pulsed Laser
- Preamplifier
- Intensifier Cooling
Image Diodes
The Image Diode is a proximity focussed diode vacuum photo-tube, otherwise known as a Generation 1 Proximity Image Intensifier.
Image Diodes do not contain Microchannel Plate (MCP) electron multipliers. Instead, light gain is accomplished solely through the acceleration of photoelectrons to roughly 10 keV and the subsequent conversion of the electron energy into light via a phosphor screen. Light gain is typically >10X, and is determined by the photocathode, phosphor and applied voltage.
Image Intensifiers
Image Intensifiers amplify low light levels for applications such as astronomy, high speed imaging, photon counting and fluorescence lifetime measurement.
Our Image Intensifiers provide the highest performance in terms of resolution, speed of response and in-service reliability. Intensifiers can be supplied with
integral high voltage power supplies and ultra-high speed gate units customised to meet the requirements of a specific application.
Photek is the world leading manufacturer of MCP photomultiplier tubes for analysis of ultra-fast optical phenomena.
Applications include LIDAR, nuclear physics and time correlated photon counting. Photek manufactures 10, 25 and 40 mm photomultipliers for use in the UV, visible and NIR spectrum. Photek’s photomultipliers are the fastest in the world with pulse rise times to 60 ps and pulse FWHM to 100 ps. For applications where gating is required the Photek photomultipliers can provide gated speeds to 2 ns.
Auratek Photon Counter
Next generation Multi-channel Photon Counter offering excellent single photon timing of <40 ps rms and high density adaptable channel formats.
With optional integrated readout electronics, three formats are currently available: the innovative AuraTek-PCS which combines Multi-Anode MCP-PMT with high
performance TOFPET readout electronics; AuraTek-Round which can be configured as a multi-channel single photon counter or analog photon pulse analyzer; and AuraTek-Square with 4096 individual anodes in a 64×64 pattern.
A Photodiode is a device for detecting ultra-fast optical events.
It generates an electrical output when illuminated by light and has no internal gain but can work over a large dynamic range. Photek Photodiodes have a rise time of less than 100 ps and are available with either a 10 mm, 25 mm or 40 mm photocathode.
Magnetic Focus
The Photek Magnetic Focus Image Intensifier is a high-resolution device with an image quality that is vastly superior to an MCP based Image Intensifier.
The Magnetic Focus Image Intensifier is available in either 25 mm, 40 mm or 75 mm cathode/screen sizes and can be supplied with a proprietary focus coil, if required.
Demagnifiers are electrostatic focusing devices used for the detection of light particles where reduction in image size is required.
The Photek Demagnifiers are available with either a 47 mm, 80 mm, or 150 mm diameter input window. They have high dynamic range, high resolution and are an efficient alternative to fibre optic tapers.
Streak Tubes
Streak tubes are used for the study of ultra-fast optical phenomena and specifically measure the variation in light intensity as a function of time.
Installed in some of the world’s best streak cameras the Photek streak tubes are proven in performance and reliability. Photek streak tubes are ideal for streak and high repetition rate framing cameras.
Vacuum Detector
The Vacuum Imaging Detector (VID) is an open face detector without a photocathode. It is designed to be mounted into or onto a vacuum chamber.
The VID is designed to detect charged particles, UV photons and neutrons. It is available with either a phosphor screen, solid anode or resistive sea which provides re-configurable anode options. The phosphor screen can also include a time of flight module which provides timing response to 5 ns. Typical applications include electron microscopy, nuclear physics research and VUV imaging.