1. The Grant Mystique: Operation Petticoat (1959) - Krell Laboratories
1 sep 2023 · As a result, the stakes at the end, when it's being shelled by the US Navy, aren't real. There is no discomfort. This is a war movie in which ...
If you were to name Cary Grant's most influential movies, you might name films like North by Northwest, Bringing Up Baby, His Girl Friday,...

2. "OPERATION PETTICOAT" (1959) Review - LiveJournal
24 feb 2015 · The movie nearly ended on an ironic note, when it faced great danger of being sunk . . . but not by the Japanese Navy. I did have a few ...
"OPERATION PETTICOAT" (1959) Review Many would find this hard to believe, but I first came aware of the 1959 comedy, "OPERATION PETTICOAT" , when its television spinoff aired during the late 1970s. Mind you, the television series was no where as good as the 1959 movie, it was enough to attract my…

3. Operation Petticoat (1959): Blake Edward's Cheeky Service Sit-Com
3 dec 2020 · Cary and Tony say a cheering goodbye to their old friend The Sea Tiger, and we get some novel if unsurprising exposition about their love lives.
“On a sub you have to operate in close quarters.” Operation Petticoat positions itself as an easy film to enjoy and a difficult one to love. It’s true Blake Edwards was capable of…

4. Hollywood and the Navy: Operation Petticoat
15 jun 2023 · At the end of the movie, two shipboard connections that resulted in romance and marriage are revealed. Capt. Sherman and Nurse Lt. Crandall ...
The artifact, history, and event blog for the United States Navy's Hampton Roads Naval Museum. Located in Norfolk, Virginia.

5. Operation Petticoat (Film) - TV Tropes
The flashback ends with a color photo of the pink Sea Tiger steaming into Darwin Harbor. Admiral Sherman closes the log book and goes on deck to meet Commander ...
A 1959 comedy directed by Blake Edwards and starring Cary Grant and Tony Curtis, concerning the manic maiden voyage of the submarine Sea Tiger in the early days of World War II. The movie begins with Rear Admiral Matt Sherman (Grant) making a …

6. Operation Petticoat (1959) - Mike's Take On the Movies
27 feb 2018 · Once the dust settles, Grant makes a plea to have the sub brought to the surface so that he may get into the war. He retains most of his crew ...
The year 1958 may have offered up a pair of war time dramas of the submarine variety for audiences with Gable and Lancaster in Run Silent, Run Deep followed by Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine in Tor…

7. 'Operation Petticoat' review by Tyler Dieckmann - Letterboxd
15 feb 2021 · ... did win me over to its patently absurd premise by the end. It ... movie), a tone Edwards would eventually perfect with The Great Race.
"We may be pink and coming in by the grace of a woman's brassiere, but we're coming in!" This definitely wasn't as uproariously funny as I expected a Cary Grant and Tony Curtis paring to be, especially one helmed by famous comedy director Blake Edwards. It also wasn't quite as thrilling or dramatic as it seemed to try to be at times, though I will admit it did win me over to its patently absurd premise by the end. It would be easy to fault this for its sometimes odd treatment of the five nurses who board the submarine midway

8. DUELING MOVIES: Operation Petticoat (1959) vs. Down Periscope
21 jul 2017 · Lt. Commander Sherman (Grant) puts the crew to work refloating and refitting the boat. He is aided by the arrival of a country club warrior, Lt.
9. Operation Petticoat (1959) - Conversations Over Chai
16 okt 2016 · Alas for such hopes: the Japanese are closing in, the men have taken to the hills, and no, the commander cannot take the women. Also, he cannot ...
Operation Petticoat 1959, Operation Petticoat Cary Grant, Operation Petticoat review, Operation Petticoat story
10. Operation Petticoat (1959) | Films on the Box - WordPress.com
12 jun 2015 · At one point, Sherman spies an enemy tanker he can torpedo, a first sinking for his sub, only one of the ladies accidentally knocks the trigger ...
When it’s on: Friday, 12 June (4.05 pm) Channel: Film4 IMDb Link Here’s the first of a Cary Grant double bill, celebrating one of the most famous and best loved Hollywood movie stars of all t…

11. Spring of Cary: Operation Petticoat - Boondock Ramblings
18 mei 2023 · He's gone back to a submarine that he was once the captain of. He finds his way to the captain's cabin and waits for him to arrive and while he ...
For Spring Erin from Still Life, With Cracker Crumb, Kajta of Breath of Hallelujah, and I have been watching and writing about Cary Grant movies. I always add this disclaimer: the movies we watched…

12. Operation Petticoat (1959) - Boomtown America
What could be funnier than men having to discuss bras and panties, right? Ah, the much more innocent 1950's came to an end at movie theaters with this ...
An in-depth look at the 1959 WWII service comedy film, Operation Petticoat
13. The Funny Papers: Operation Petticoat (1959) - Classic Movie Hub
15 sep 2020 · Operation Petticoat, 1959. There are classic comedies that capture the perfect blend of superior direction, cast, writing, and appealing ...
The Funny Papers: Operation Petticoat (1959) Operation Petticoat, 1959 There are classic comedies that capture the perfect blend of superior direction, cast, writing, and appealing aesthetics. You …