Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (2024)

Heico Timmers ✔

Highly Experienced Expert in Warehouse and Production Logistics

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Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European market leader in automotive handling systems. Growing very strongly for many years. Now optimizing entire operational chain. Getting ready for the next worldwide growth phase!

  • Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (2)


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    The pivot worked. Kinda...We escaped the low clouds in France and made it into Spain in search of better flying weather. After a hand full of steaming hot hours with zero shade, the wind calmed just enough, so we geared up desperate to get airborne. Launching into what felt like the start of a good day to cover some mileage, we didn't actually get very far. Maybe a glide or two. Also landing spread out. Flying as a pack was clearly going to be a lot harder than we thought, something we hadn't practice together prior to the trip. With some miles to go, there was time to dial it in 😅 .We were very fortunate to find a hot meal. Perhaps the only restaurant in marathon length hikes in either direction. Not so lucky that a large group of hikers had drained the restaurant's food supply almost dry. But hey, scraps were Michelin gourmet to us that day.The lesson: Performing as a team takes time to dial in and is especially tricky in high stakes environments. Alignment and expectation management are so key. There will be some mistakes and that's ok, so long as nobody is dying 😆 .

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    Coming to the airport by car, train or bus? Or is someone dropping you off at the Kiss & Ride? In this blog, we tell you all about getting to Schiphol. And did you know that you can now check how busy it is at the Kiss & Ride in advance? Click on the link and travel to Schiphol well prepared!

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  • Afik Aviv

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    🛩️ Embracing the Unexpected: Lessons from the Skies 🌟"When life's not giving you lemons, but throwing potatoes at you, just catch them and throw them back!" 🥔 This saying couldn't ring truer than during my recent adventure in the skies. Last weekend, I had the honor of taking a friend and his aviation enthusiast son on their first small plane ride. It was a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and invaluable lessons.Despite meticulous planning and a two-month wait due to weather constraints, our flight was far from smooth sailing. From unexpected aircraft maintenance issues to technical glitches with equipment, it seemed like every obstacle imaginable stood in our way. But in the face of adversity, we chose to adapt and persevere.After overcoming a series of setbacks, we finally took off, soaring through the clouds and skimming the coastline. The joy on the young boy's face as he witnessed the world from above made every hurdle worthwhile. It reminded me of the importance of resilience and flexibility in both aviation and life.In flying, as in life, control is often an illusion. We can meticulously plan every detail, but unforeseen circ*mstances are inevitable. What truly matters is our ability to adapt, problem-solve, and press on despite the challenges. So next time life throws potatoes your way, remember to catch them with a smile and keep flying towards your goals. ✈️

    • Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (18)



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  • Lip Ghee Siow

    Founder @ Wing Ark | Elevating Experiences from Boardrooms to Yachts 🛥️ | Revolutionizing Events with Yacht "Airbnb"

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    As our yacht gracefully navigated the tranquil night, the timeless wisdom of Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" echoed through our conversations, enriching our shared experience.In the spirit of Covey's fourth habit, "Think Win-Win," each moment on the yacht transcended individual joy. It was a collaborative effort, crafting a collective win where every person aboard felt genuinely valued, heard, and appreciated. Embracing the sixth habit, "Synergize," our evening transformed into a collaborative masterpiece, where the combined essence of our shared experiences surpassed the sum of any individual contribution.Welcoming Shiyu Serah, and her friends Sandra Lye, Joe Ann Yin to Penang was more than navigating the waves; it embodied the metaphorical journey of life. In this symbolic odyssey, the destination became secondary to the richness of shared moments. The evening sparked a heartfelt motivation to nurture connections beyond the surface, prioritize understanding before seeking to be understood, and infuse a win-win mindset into every shared endeavor.This yacht excursion was more than a boat ride or an exhibition; it represented a collective commitment to sail life's seas together, embracing each wave with the resilience of shared laughter. Driven by a genuine desire to create win-win moments. ...#LeadershipReflections #EffectiveCollaboration #WinWinMindset #WingArk #RickSiow #CoveyWisdom #ProfessionalConnections #SharedExperiences #NavigatingSuccess #YachtJourney #SynergyInAction #HeartfeltConnections

    • Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (22)


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  • Ghan Shyam, CPP®

    Senior Regional Security Manager - South Asia l CM Specialist

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    Once a traveler reached a crossroadand asked to a passerby, “Where does this road go?” The passerby replied, “Where do you want to go?” The traveler said, “I don’t know”The passerby replied “Take any road, what difference does it make?” ..It had a powerful message......An airplane or ship has a set route it has to follow, in order to arrive at its destination. Wind and weather conditions can affect the airplane’s and ship’s courses. However, knowing the exact destination enables the pilot and the captain to make the proper adjustments. It is same with having a purpose and personal goals in life.A ritual I follow during the last week of the year is to reflect on the year gone by. When we reach the year end, the first reaction is a sense of panic at how fast time flies. The next, a quick calculation of what we managed to achieve. And then, a list of resolutions for the next year.It is so important to reflect, rejuvenate, plan, and have clear written goals. Goals give you direction in life and work like magic. It is better to have a simple goal, than having no goals at all!As Vern McLellan said, “What the new year brings to you will dependa great deal on what you bring to the new year.”Do you agree?#reflections #personaldevelopment #goals



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    Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming!!!!

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    Flying private opens up a world of special experiences and features—learn about them here:

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  • Manzel Chapman

    Talent Acquisition Specialist at Southwest Airlines

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    Starting a new season in your life came be intimidating 📖!But when your Chapter 1 begins with poms poms, cheers, and a Red Carpet - it is a story that anyone can get on board on 🎉.This Monday we welcomed over 50 New Cohearts that started a new story in their life today. While everyone’s Chapter at Southwest Airlines begins the same, the next page to the next Chapter embarks a different journey, as our New Hires venture to the Flight of Their life into their own Careers ⬇️!💙 A Cohearts Chapter 2 can lead them to helping one of our customers board our plane.💖 A Cohearts Chapter 3 could be analyzing the latest technology to help modernize our operation.💛 A Cohearts Chapter 4 could be flying 150 passengers to their next destination.Like every happy story, there is a plot twist where one may encounter. At times we may go through turbulences that may cause us to challenge ourselves. However, no matter what happens through that turbulence, we have each other to ensure we land safely. And despite our differences at Southwest Airlines, we all land the same way; by being #ONETeam – no matter what chapter we may be in our #SWALife ✨.Where are you in your story 📚 ? Rather you are in the planning phase of your career, in the middle of your professional journey, or heading towards your Happy Ending – we all start somewhere, and for many it starts today!Happy Monday 💙💖💛!#recruiting #networking #jobseekers #SouthwestHeart #jobseekers #mondaymotivation #motivation #opportunities #letsconnect #aviation #culture



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  • Njoki Njuguna

    Mindset Transformation Coach & Consultant in Personal and Business Excellence

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    Working in the aviation industry was a dream come true.The functional and operational aspects were easy because of the regulations, standards, procedures and processes.The human interactions on the hand, some days were fun and easy, other days, tough, and very tough I might add, flight delays, cancellations, this is not unusual in airline operations.Observing daily life at the airport and mingling with so many people was what was so fascinating to me. Everyday was different. From the very best of moments, the cultural diversity, hearing people tell me about their reasons for travel, watching the excitement of people seeing each other after many years, the anxiety of first time travelers, the confidence of frequent flyers to the very very worst, handling an aircraft crash. Being aware and watching life unfolding around me gave my job purpose and meaning.I understood that being good at my job was not about receiving praise from superiors, but more about my contribution and participation in turning moments into memories for every customer I interacted with . For me, it was more than just "reporting to work", it was more about "how may I serve"As we go about our normal life, job, family, school, sometimes we get so wrapped up in routines and patterns that we forget to notice the loveliness and the beauty of life.Sometimes this beauty is found in the things that we ignore the most. As you begin a new year choose to be intentional by awakening to the symphony of life.It isa beautiful life in front of you and if you are “asleep” it will pass you by. ✨ Happy New Year to you all. ✨

    • Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (35)


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  • Scott Thomson

    First Officer UK and EASA Licences Embraer EMB550 Legacy/Praetor 450/500/600

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    A bit about me, initially when I caught the flying bug I imagined myself ending up in an airline like the vast majority of trainees in the early stages of their career until, one day, a G650 landed in Oxford and from that moment, as it taxied past the window of the class, I fell in love and abandoned all desire of the airline world, setting my sights, instead, on corporate aviation.There's a great deal of debate out there surrounding hours and experience, currently fuelled by the "shortage" of pilots in the US.So recently whilst updating my logbook I realised I'd surpassed that huge milestone of 1500hrs about 200hrs ago and thought I'd do a breakdown of what those hours actually mean and why the story of experience doesn't necessarily translate to a number.I had my first flight logged January 16th 2015 whilst training in Phoenix with Oxford Aviation Academy. 1.2hrs of dual time from Falcon Field to Phoenix Gateway and didn't even record a landing until nearly 2 weeks later.Fast forward 8 years and 7 months to present day in a career spent entirely in corporate aviation and the stats are as follows:1704hrs total time across 2 jet types, Cessna 560XL/XLS+ and Legacy 500.147 airports - controlled/uncontrolled, IFR/VFR, shortfield, mountainous, well equipped and under equipped, performance limiting and a lot of them visited with very little notice ranging from Europe, Russia, Carribbean, Arctic Circle and North Africa.798 landings3 Atlantic crossingsDuties that vary from short to long, single sector to multi sector, temperature and weather extremes sometimes in the same day.Challenging airspaceEvery type of approach short of performing a Sarajevo technique!In addition: extensive global operations experience as operations staff, vast commercial awareness, sales experience, base management experience, situational awareness and management, CRM, problem solving, time management, mechanical sympathy, unwavering client service and exemplary attention to detail.So this is a belated 1500hr milestone post because I've been having too much fun to really track closely!I'm still chasing the Gulfstream job...

    • Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (40)



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Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (44)

Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (45)


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Heico Timmers ✔ on LinkedIn: Right after the summer vacations off with the next project. European… (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.