Collared Ascension - Helix_Bami - Highschool DxD (Anime) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

Issei was walking back to the occult research club with a proud smirk on his face. Today, he had visited his regular client of his devil contracts, who wanted him to play games with him for the night, which Issei did. When the night came to an end, the man Issei still didn't know the name of handed him a box as compensation.


It was late at night, and Issei was staying with a man who was his only regular client. The man didn't ask much of him apart from playing video games with him, which Issei was actually good at, which made the night all the more enjoyable for both of them.

"I gotta hand it to you, kid. You sure made my night better," the man with black hair and golden bangs said to the recently reincarnated devil, scratching the back of his head at the compliment.

"Thanks, I guess. But it is really getting late." Issei pointed out as the man chuckled before reaching for something in his backpack and handing it to Issei.

"Here. My payment for today. You wanted to make the girls of your group of devils fall in love with you, right?" The man asked as he and Issei had bonded on a more personal level over the weeks they had known each other. Issei nodded as he opened the box and saw some kind of collar with a cat symbol in the middle.

"What is this?" Issei asked as the man chuckled.

"That, my friend, is guaranteed to get you some puss* from an actual puss*." The man joked as Issei didn't understand what he meant with that.

"I still don't follow," Issei said, making the man sigh as he took a sip of his glass of tap water.

"The white-haired girl named Koneko is someone who is connected with cats and such. You surely have noticed some kind of connection, right?" The man asked as Issei thought about it momentarily before the dots in his head connected.

"Now that you talk about it. She always wears cat-like hairclips and has cat accessories on her schoolbag." Issei pointed out as the man smirked.

"Exactly. I won't go into the details, but let's just say that she has a deeper connection with cats than you would imagine. So, this collar would, let's just say... bring the cat out of the bag." Issei deadpanned at the pun as Issei slowly understood the meaning of this gift.

"So, you're saying that if I give this to Koneko and make her wear it. She turns into an actual catgirl?" Issei asked as the man stayed silent for a moment before nodding.

"You can say that. But the effect isn't only on her... But I won't tell you more since that would ruin the fun. Just make the girl wear it and see it for yourself." The man said, trying to hold back the sinister smirk. Issei slowly nodded and stuffed the box in his backpack.

"Well, thanks for the payment, I guess." Issei thanked the man as he was about to leave, but the man stopped him right as he was about to open the door.

"You'll thank me when you see the full effect of that collar. Enjoy yourself and partake in your wildest fantasies." The customer instructed, making Issei stop for a moment as he absorbed the strange use of words before nodding and leaving the building. The man grinned as he pulled out a p*rn magazine and started reading through it. "The kid is in for one hell of a ride... Perhaps giving him that collar isn't the smartest decision? Heh, not my problem anymore."


Issei opened the door of the occult research club, hoping to tell the good news of his successful contract, but He was a bit surprised to find out that nobody was inside. "Hello?" Issei yelled a little to hopefully find someone who was there, but it looked like nobody but he was inside the occult research club building.

"President and Akeno probably have classes now. I don't know where Kiba is, but if I remember correctly, Koneko should be on her way to the building right about now." Issei said to himself as he stopped at the mention of Koneko, remembering what his client had told him about the collar. "Should I try it now that I got the chance?" Issei asked himself as he thought about it. He decided to go for it as he pulled the black box out of his backpack and placed it on the table before quickly running off to the bathroom, locking himself inside and peeking through the keyhole.

After a few minutes, the door of the room opened again. The white-haired rook of the peerage, Koneko Toujou, walked inside the room while eating a piece of candy, as usual. Koneko looked around the room and immediately smelled the pervert being there.

"Must’ve been to the toilet to get one off..." Koneko muttered as she walked over to the couches and threw her schoolbag on one of them before sitting down and continuing to eat her snacks.

Issei watched from the keyhole. Koneko hadn't noticed the black box on the table yet. She was too busy eating her snack until she eventually finished, but she still craved more.

"Dammit..." Koneko muttered as she had already eaten all the snacks she had brought with her. Looking around, Koneko figured that Rias must have kept at least a few candies for herself to enjoy. The hellcat looked around Rias' desk and even into her drawers but found nothing of the sort, which annoyed Issei at his trap not working.

'Come on... Notice the box...' Issei mentally told his junior, and by some miracle of the devil, Koneko turned to the table and saw the black box lying on it. Koneko walked over to the table and tilted her head as her amber eyes locked onto the black box. She reached for it and sniffed it a bit.

"Smells like the pervert... But also… like Akeno?" Koneko asked herself as she slowly opened the box with her hands. Her eyes saw the cat-like collar inside, which made her confused. "Did Akeno bring this as a gift?" She asked herself as Issei watched with excitement as Koneko took the collar out of the box and inspected it with her sharp eyes. She stared at it for a bit and even sniffed it. She smelled a strange but pleasant aroma coming from the pink cat collar, which intrigued the rook, who decided to test it out on herself.

Bringing the collar around her neck, Issei watched with excitement as Koneko secured the collar around her small neck the moment it was secure. Koneko walked over to one of the mirrors, which was a bit too high for her. So, she took a chair to have a better look at herself as she stared at the collar, which suited her in her own opinion.

Issei waited for a moment, and his hope of something happening slowly died down as he realised that his client might have scammed him. Issei was about to unlock the door to enter the room but stopped when a pink-coloured light came from the hole. Issei looked back through the keyhole and saw Koneko's body shining with a pink aura. He could barely make out what was happening before the light quickly died down.

Issei looked back at Koneko and noticed that she was now standing on the chair with a pair of white cat ears and a tail that looked very real. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, so he decided to get a better look up close. He unlocked the door, and Koneko's head perked up. Issei walked out of the bathroom with a curious expression on his face.

"Uhm... Koneko?" Issei called out to his junior, who tilted her head before squinting her eyes. She suddenly got on her arms and knees and sneakily walked over to him. "You, okay?" Issei asked her as Koneko didn't reply verbally but kept crawling from around the couches on all fours before slowly getting closer to him.

Issei was confused as Koneko was behaving like an actual cat. Immediately, a lightbulb lit up in his head as he realised what had happened. "Don’t tell me... She's now an actual cat!?!" Issei asked himself as he kept his eyes on Koneko, who was peeking her head from behind the couch with a fixated look in her eyes as Issei slowly walked over to her.

He took every step carefully as he slowly approached Koneko, who hissed at him like an actual cat when he came too close. Issei stopped and knelt, waiting for Koneko to come to him. The Nekomata inspected Issei for a bit before slowly crawling her way to him, her cat tale wiggling in the air, which Issei found utterly adorable.

Eventually, Koneko stopped right in front of him with her eyes staring straight into his. Issei became nervous as the smaller girl slowly leaned in and placed her hands on his thighs. Issei stood still as Koneko kept coming closer and closer, slowly bringing her face extremely close to his. Issei heard an actual purr coming from the rook.

"K-Koneko?" Issei called her out by her name, making her look up at him. Issei froze as he thought that he might f*cked up but was surprised as Koneko leant in some more and started rubbing her face against his neck. Issei was surprised that Koneko was actually giving him affection like a cat. A small smile crept on his face as his hand slowly reached for Koneko's back, and he started rubbing it gently.

Koneko seemed to like that, purring more, rubbing her face deeper into his neck, and sniffing his scent like a cat. Issei didn't know what to make of this situation, but there was no denying that he was enjoying the hell of it.

Koneko, on the other hand, was truly being a cat as she stopped sniffing Issei's neck and started licking it with her tongue, making the young man nearly jump from the sudden feeling of Koneko's wet tongue trailing across his neck as the young man felt a spike of arousal course through his body as his perverted mind was started to understand of what he was now capable off with the usually stoic and emotionless underclassman being turned into an affectionate catgirl.

Swallowing his saliva, he lifted Koneko's face up with his hand, making her look into his eyes. Her amber cat-like eyes stared straight into his brown. A small smirk started to form on Issei's lips, and Koneko's face lit up with a blush as she started coming closer to him.

"M-master..." Koneko muttered with need as Issei didn't understand what was happening at the moment, but he didn't want it to end, so he slowly connected lips against hers. Both felt sparks coursing through their bodies as they started kissing each other in the middle of the clubroom, which anyone could enter at any time. But neither Issei nor Koneko seemed to care. That or they had forgotten about that fact. As their kiss started to become deeper and more passionate, Issei pushed his tongue inside Koneko's mouth, trying to get as much of her master's saliva in her mouth while her small hands were roaming across the young man's body.

Issei slowly pulled her deeper so she was sitting right on top of his crotch. Issei slowly pushed Koneko onto the ground while keeping their lips locked together. As they continued to make out, Issei's hands started to move towards the underclassman's clothes and started undoing the buttons of her shirt.

Koneko shuddered under Issei's body as the pervert pulled her shirt open, allowing him to take in her rather modest chest that was being held back by her white bra. Issei broke the kiss as he looked down at Koneko's torso and noticed that her boobs had gotten bigger by several cup sizes. Issei was certain that the magical collar had something to do with the sudden change, as he didn't remember her chest being on the same level as Asia's.

Issei was about to raise his hand when he heard Koneko's voice that was dripping with lust as the catgirl purred with arousal. "Take me... master..." She muttered softly as Issei felt his dick throbbing with need. Issei slowly reached down and pulled her bra off her body, allowing her new pair of fun bags to be freed.

Issei licked his lips as he wasted no time leaning down and taking a nipple inside of his mouth and started sucking on it like it was a lollipop. Koneko immediately shook a little bit of Issei's eager mouth, sucking on her erect nipples as hard as he humanly could. The catgirl was moaning with pleasure as Issei hadn't forgotten about her other nipple and played with it with his hand.

"M-master..." Koneko muttered with arousal as her pale face was flushed with need as the catgirl was begging for more from her master, who was more than eager to give her what she wanted.

Issei kept sucking on one of Koneko's nipples while he played with the other in his hand, giving it a small pinch. At the same time, he bit slightly on the nipple that was in his mouth as Koneko arched her back a bit as she spasms from the coordinated attack on her sensitive nipples.

Koneko's amber eyes rolled back a bit as her toes curled in her shoes, and her body was shaking with pleasure she had never felt before. Issei kept smirking as he removed his mouth from her nipple, which made Koneko purr in dissatisfaction as she wanted to feel more. But Issei wasn't done with pleasuring his new pet as he went lower until he reached Koneko's crotch and laid on his stomach on the floor. Koneko looked at the young man, smirking eagerly as if he could finally see what he had desired for years.

Issei pulled Koneko's skirt down her legs, leaving her only in her shoes, stockings and panties. Issei decided to let her keep her socks on as it suited her sexy body, but the panties were the last thing on his way to finally get to see a real puss* that wasn't on some screen or paper.

Issei reached out to Koneko's crotch and saw a small wet stain on her pure white panties that had a small cat symbol on it. The young man couldn't hold his excitement any longer as he pulled her panties down and started pulling them off her legs. Koneko kept watching with lust as her master took the last piece of clothing that was shielding her dignity.

Issei licked his lips with the most perverted smile on his face as he stared at Koneko's clean-shaven puss* that was already dripping with arousal as the catgirl purred a little bit as her body shuddered from her master's intense gaze. Issei looked up briefly to see Koneko blushing a deep red colour that could match Rias' hair. The white-haired rook nodded her head towards him as Issei slowly lowered his face to Koneko's anticipating puss* and connected his lips with her folds.

"M-Mhmhm~" Koneko tried holding back the moans that were threatening the escape her mouth as her master's soft and wet lips kissed the entrance of her vagin* as he kept rubbing his lips against her puss* for a little bit before his tongue started licking around her folds in a painfully slow pace which only made the catgirl moan more as her legs were shaking from the oral play.

Issei's eyes rolled into his head as his tongue savoured the delicious taste of Koneko's womanly juices that immediately got him addicted to the taste as the young man pushed his tongue through her folds into the catgirl's entrance making the rook reach out to her master's hair and tightly hold on to it as the grip of her thighs that were around Issei's head squeezed tightly which made the young man's head nearly explode like a watermelon. Still, Issei didn't mind as the pain was making the feeling of his first time eating puss* all the better. It was telling him that he was doing a good job at it from what he read in a p*rn magazine.

Issei's hands held onto Koneko's thighs. At the same time, he tried to explore every corner of Koneko's puss* that she had to offer to the pervert, who hit each of her weak spots with his skilful tongue as Koneko's amber eyes could barely focus while her tail was swirling around out of control as the catgirl was losing her sanity to the best feeling she has ever felt in her life.

"M-m-master~ M-more~ Nya~" Koneko begged before letting out a cat-like sound which only drove the pervert even hornier as he pushed his dick as deep as he could, which hit another weak spot of the catgirl who came right at that moment as her juices shot out of her puss* into Issei's face who eagerly tried to drink Koneko's puss* juices.

"C-c-cum-ming~" Koneko stuttered as her eyes went cross from the powerful org*sm racking through her small body. As her legs squeezed Issei's head so hard that it started to become purple. But Issei didn't seem to care that his life was in danger from the trauma his skull was suffering as he kept eating and licking out Koneko's puss*, trying to obtain as much of her delicious juices as possible as the young man wasn't going to let to a single drop go to waste.

As Issei was lapping, all the juices that came out of the mind-altered Koneko, who slowly let go of the death grip around his head, he lifted his face with the biggest grin on his face as he had finally gotten to eat his first puss* in his life and it was the best thing he has ever eaten.

Koneko was panting hard on the ground, her chest going up and down with each breath as she took as the catgirl slowly stood up with her tail wagging in the air again. Koneko looked at her master with a needy look on her face.

"Master... I want more..." Koneko begged in the slu*ttiest tone Issei had ever heard a girl speak before. His now fully erect dick pressed against the fabric of his pants as Issei felt his dick nearly through his zipper from how hard he was getting.

Koneko seems to notice her master's bulge and slowly crawls her way to him. Her ass and tail shaking with each step, she came closer to him as Issei immediately went to his pants and pulled them down faster than he could beat his meat per second as his rock-hard dick was now freed from his cage, which immediately grasped the catgirl's interest as Koneko's eyes locked onto her master's throbbing dick while his strong and potent musk filled her nose which made her want to feel more.

"So big..." Koneko muttered as her face was now right in front of Issei's twitching junk that was looming over her face, casting a large shadow that only further aroused the Nekomata, who slowly pushed her face closer as it was now resting on her cute and delicate face. "It smells... so good..." Koneko muttered with lust dripping from her voice as Issei took hold of his penis and rubbed it on her face. A little bit of precum started leaking from the tip. The young man was still somewhat in denial about whether or not this was actually happening to him.

"This must be a dream..." Issei said to himself but quickly focused back on reality as Koneko opened her mouth and let her tongue roll down his length, leaving a trail of saliva as the catgirl was smiling lustfully at the young man who watched his junior play with his dick like the slu*t she truly was.

Koneko kept licking her master's dick, making it wet with her spit as the Nekomata slowly went higher and higher she was now at the tip of her master's dick and used her tongue to play with his slit as she licked off the precum that was drooling out of his penis. Issei's eyes started to lose focus as Koneko's tongue was stimulating his dick by just licking the tip as the catgirl was eagerly trying to obtain more of his milk.

Issei couldn't hold it back anymore and slowly raised his hand to take a handful of her white hair to pull her in closer. Koneko's eyes widened a bit as her mouth started spreading open for her master's dick that was forcing itself past her lips. The cat devil looked at her master, who had a desperate look on her face for more as Koneko slowly gave in and willingly sank her face to take more of her master's dick in her mouth, making it go past her mouth into her throat, making Koneko nearly gag on it.

But she tried to hold it back as she knew that it would ruin her blowj*b for her master, who was enjoying himself too much at the moment. His face was aimed at the ceiling while his eyes were barely open as he kept using Koneko's mouth as a pocket puss*.

"More..." Issei grunted out with need as he pulled Koneko's face deeper until all of his dick was successfully sealed inside of Koneko's mouth, making her deepthroat the pervert who was moaning in bliss. "f*ck~! This feels f*cking amazing..." Issei cursed as he kept Koneko's mouth wrapped around the base of his dick, making the Nekomata barely being able to breathe, which added to Koneko's own pleasure as her hand reached for her c*nt and started rubbing it. At the same time, she pleased her master with her first-time dick-sucking skills.

"sh*t... I'm about to bust~!" Issei warned as Koneko's eyes widened at the thought of tasting her master's sem*n. She moved her head up a little bit before going back down with full force to finally start sucking her master off with her tiny mouth. Issei could barely keep it together as his pet was sucking the soul out of his body. "F-f-f*ck~!" Issei cursed as his eyes rolled back a bit as Koneko sucked on his dick hard Issei couldn't hold it in any longer as he came inside of Koneko's mouth, making the catgirl immediately start swallowing her master's precious milk as she swallowed it as fast as she could before her mouth was filled up to the brim again as Issei was showed who the real dragon was in Kuoh.

"That... felt... good..." Issei muttered as he laid back Koneko still had her lips sealed around her master's dick to prevent a single drop of his sem*n from spilling out of her mouth as the underclassman felt Issei's dick finally calmed down as she slowly removed her mouth from her master's dick as the moment, she released her mouth from her master's co*ck, she did so with a loud popping sound that rang in the room.

Issei panted a bit. Koneko's cheeks were bloated, and she turned to her master, who was still tired but kept his eyes on his pet. Koneko was savouring the milk she received as she turned her master with her bloated cheeks and a small tilt of her head. Issei got the message as he went on his knees and stood right before her. The catgirl now looked up at her master with hunger in her eyes as she opened her mouth, revealing the pool of thick, creamy sem*n that was inside.

Issei's dick immediately became hard at the sight as he couldn't help but take advantage of the situation. "Don't swallow it yet. Play with it with your tongue." Issei ordered as Koneko listened to him and started using her tongue to swirl the thick pool of cum in her mouth, which was making Issei's dick throb again, as this was one of the greatest things he was witnessing in his life.

Issei quickly scurried to find his cell phone, took out his camera, and started recording it. Issei smirked as Koneko kept obeying his order, as her tongue still played with the sem*n in her mouth.

"Swallow it and thank me like a good girl," Issei instructed as Koneko followed his command and closed her mouth to swallow all of her master's sem*n that was in her mouth with one loud gulp while the camera was pointed at him. Issei grinned as Koneko separated her lips again to show her now empty mouth.

"T-thank you, m-master... for the d-delicious milk, Nya~" Koneko thanked as she showed off her tongue to the camera, making a perfect slu*tty facial expression as Issei knew he got to show off to his friends later.

Issei put his phone away as his dick was twitching with the need for more he couldn't contain his excitement anymore as he needed to go to the next base and finally lose his virginity, even with the risk of getting caught. Issei walked over to the largest couch in the room and laid down on his back while resting his head on a pillow. Koneko naturally followed her master like a real pet would. She crawled onto her arms and legs towards him and looked at him with a tilt of her head in a cute way.

"Master?" Koneko asked, making Issei smirk as he took hold of his dick with one hand and gestured for Koneko to come closer.

"Come here and f*ck yourself on my dick..." Issei ordered with eagerness written all over his face as his pet nodded and crawled onto the couch on top of his body and slowly made her way to where her lower region was rubbing against her master's length.

"M-master?" Koneko asked, uncertain of what she should do next. Issei quickly figured out that it must be Koneko's first time as well, making him all the happier that his first time would be with someone who was also a virgin like him. Helping her up a bit, Koneko's puss* was now right on top of her master's erect dick that was pointing right at her entrance as Koneko held onto the touch and her master's hand as she looked for her master for permission to proceed.

"Do it..." Issei was shaking with anticipation as Koneko slowly descended herself on his shaft, making her entrance slowly spread open Koneko gritted her teeth as her insides were being forced apart from her master's giant dick that was making her smaller body feel like she was being skewered by his dick.

"S-s-so b-b-big m-m-master~!" Koneko gritted out as her eyes slowly rolled back into her head as he instinctively gripped both the back of the couch and her master's hand with her super strength, making Issei grit his teeth as Koneko squeezed his hand hard, breaking the bones inside his hand.

"S-sh*t~!" Issei cursed as he felt the rook's super tight walls squeezing so hard that his dick might get crushed. The pain he felt in his hand somehow made him feel even better than he realised as Koneko slowly started to take nearly all of his dick inside of her puss*. The rook was barely holding on, and she kept moaning as she got lower.

"C-c-cumming~!!" Koneko shrieked as her juices started exploding on his dick, staining his crotch and the sofa that would definitely leave a puddle. The underclassman's face was that of pure bliss as her tongue rolled out of her mouth, as drool shot everywhere Koneko had no control anymore of her body as she finally managed to fully take her master's dick inside of her dripping wet puss* as Issei felt like he died and gone to heaven as he never believed that he was f*cking the mascot of the school and the cold and stoic underclassman who is now his pet.

Issei's eyes started to get fueled with energy as he brought both of his hands to Koneko's waist and started to make her bounce on his dick at a quick and strong pace. Koneko was shocked at the sudden change of pacing as she fell forwards, falling on her master's body with her chest pressing against his and her face right next to him as Issei started f*cking her on his dick while making out with the catgirl.

'I don't want this to stop!' Issei's adrenaline was at max as Issei started thrusting along while f*cking the Nekomata on his dick Koneko's eyes could barely focus any longer as her insides were being rearranged by her master, who was f*cking her without any mercy. Her stomach was bulging with each thrust, thanks to her master's giant dick, leaving a very visible outline of his length, which made it look like she was being punched from the inside.

Issei wanted more and quickly turned them both around as he started thrusting inside of Koneko's puss* while looking the rook down, who could barely look her master in the eyes as her brain was becoming scrambled eggs with each thrust; he did on her poor, abused c*nt.

Issei kept pushing his dick as deep as he could while at the same time fondling Koneko's small pair of breasts, which only furthered the arousal of the Red Dragon emperor, who was so distracted by what he was doing that he failed to notice the luring violet coloured eye peeking through the keyhole from the door as the Vice-president of the occult research club and Queen of Rias Gremory was watching at the scene with the hornie*st smile on her face as she was pushing two fingers under her skirt.

"So... hot..." Akeno muttered as she licked her lips. She needed to know what happened since there would have been no chance that the Koneko that she knew would give her body to the pervert, thanks to the obvious dislike the rook has for the pervert. So, Issei must have done something to turn the stoic rook into a cum craving cat as she kept fingering herself as Issei continued f*cking like a wild animal into Koneko's spread open c*nt as the rook had wrapped her strong legs around her master's waist and pulled him hard with her rook strength to prevent him from leaving while at the same time hugging his head with her arms as she kept making out with the pervert as her brain was in cloud nine.

"I'm going to fill you up, Koneko~!" Issei announced as his pet could barely form a word to answer as she just nodded her head deliriously as she kept org*sm with each thrust her master connected with her puss*. Her tail didn't want him to stop either, as she had it wrapped around Issei's thigh. The soft hair was tickling Issei to the point that it pushed him over the edge as he came inside of her without any warning.

Koneko's eyes widened before they rolled back into her skull as her womb was being inflated with the pervert's sem*n. Koneko's toes curled hard as she org*smed along with her master, who came so hard that Issei thought that he would pass out from all the sem*n that he had unloaded inside of Koneko.

"M-m-m-ma~!" Koneko tried to utter a word, but her mind was too far gone that she passed out thanks to all the punishment her body could withstand. Issei was panting while lying on top of Koneko's unconscious form. Issei slid off the sofa and fell onto the ground, panting, trying to regain his breath. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and finally achieved his lifetime goal.

To finally get laid.

Issei was the happiest man on the planet as he quickly got the energy again to stand up with the biggest grin. He was nearly jumping around in joy and couldn't wait to brag about what had happened to his best friends. But this caused Issei to stop as the door of possibilities opened up to the young man, who turned back to the sleeping rook as a huge evil smirk appeared on his face as the pervert was already imagining what he could do now with Koneko under his thumb.

Walking up to his sleeping pet, he softly stroked her cheek as Koneko purred in her sleep. Her ears flapped as she recognised her master's presence even when she wasn't conscious.

Issei smirked as the fun had just begun.

(Scene Change)

A ton of things have changed for the red dragon emperor, and that is because the magical collar that he received somehow turned his life around for the better, while Koneko has turned into a catgirl for him. It turns out that Koneko is now, in the eyes of everybody else, an actual cat.

They treat her, feed her, and try playing with her like an actual cat. Even Rias seems to be affected by this, as nobody sees or treats Koneko as she used to. She was just a cat for them, a pet that happened to be there.

But even with that strange effect on everybody else. For Issei, Koneko is now a personal f*ck pet and can do whatever he wants to do with her whenever he wants. It was straight out of a p*rnographic novel, as nobody seemed to care that Koneko was completely butt next to him and was licking his skin like an actual cat.

Issei decided not to ask or even question what was happening and to get the most out of the current situation with what he was doing right now.

It was currently the middle of the night as Issei was walking through the school campus with a massive grin on his face as in his hand was a leash connected to none other than his new pet, Koneko, who was wearing a bitchsuit with nearly all of her body being restricted by the tight leather suit that Akeno has given him for this exact reason as Issei was looking at his pet who was on her arms and knees panting into the ball gag as her eyes were blindfolded as Koneko depended on only her master's instruction as the catgirl was absolutely clueless of what was going on or where she was currently at.

"Enjoying the breeze kitty?" Issei asked as he kept slowly walking with no real destination in mind. Koneko merely nodded as she tried to keep up with her master's pace. It also didn't help that the bitchsuit that she was wearing was magically enchanted to force itself to become as tight as it could be on her skin while at the same time stimulating her body at a slow but agonising pace, which only started to send the cat girl in more of a sexual frenzy as she was craving for another release. But her master and the suit prevented her from reaching that high without his permission.

"Good to hear. We are almost there." Issei announced as he kept walking towards a specific direction. Koneko just followed her master to wherever he was bringing her. As they continued their walk, Issei stopped as he turned to his pet and crouched down before tilting her face up by her chin. "We're here," Issei revealed as he stood up again before opening the door and walking inside with Koneko following suit.

Koneko was confused about where they were from what she could hear. She heard shuffling of shoes and soft whispers, all from boys. But her train of thought was broken as she felt Issei pull onto the leash and force her to follow him onto a few stairs before eventually stopping in the middle of nowhere. Koneko had the odd feeling that she was being watched.

Not from a single person. No, it felt like she was being watched by a ton of people. At the same time, her hair stood up a bit as Issei pulled her head back by her collar and made her sit on her knees.

"Sit still," Issei ordered as Koneko listened and barely moved a muscle. Issei walked over and undid the leash on her collar before tossing it somewhere. Koneko was utterly lost in what was happening to her. She felt Issei crouch again as the blindfold around her eyes was suddenly removed, making her squint her eyes as the lights of the room hit her sensitive eyes, making her adjust at it for a moment before the reality of the situation sank in as Koneko was currently standing on a podium, in front of an entire group of boys who were all looking at her with perverted smiles on their faces as they all carried cameras, cellphones and even an iPod to hopefully record the show that was planned for tonight.

Issei grinned ear to ear as he petted Koneko's head, which eased some of the catgirl's nerves but slowly started to make her realise what was going to happen to her right in front of all these people.

"Hello, my fellow perverts. Today, I have for you the first show of Koneko Toujou, AKA Hellcat's pet training~!" Issei loudly announced to everyone, who cheered at him as they all were ready for the show that they gave him money to watch. Issei grinned as he looked at his pet, who looked back up at him with a blush on her face as she slowly realised what was going on.

"Let's start off with Hellcat showing off her amazing dick-sucking skills~!" Issei announced as all the boys in the room cheered. Koneko took a deep breath before turning herself around and doing what her master had taught her to do at all times.

An obedient slu*tty pet.

Koneko's eyes grew a bit misty, and a blush formed on her face out of lust this time. She crawled onto her arms and knees again like a cat, making her tail wiggle side to side, which further seemed to arouse the crowd. Koneko started to climb onto her master's legs with her hands, smiling at her master.

"Can I please have some milk, master? Nya~" Koneko begged, which resulted in a massive outburst from the crowd as she slowly started working on her master's pants and pulled them down, making Issei's giant tool slap against her face, which made Koneko all the more eager as she started kissing her master's rod while making her tail shake to further entice the crowd as the sound of pictures and cheering started appearing which made the catgirl more excited.

"You have to earn it, Koneko," Issei replied as his pet nodded along before taking in her master's dick in her mouth one single go making the crowd go wild as Koneko started deepthroating her master like a p*rn actress. Issei sighed as Koneko's tight but skilful mouth kept pleasing his dick in the most sensual way possible as the underclassman brought her hands up to massage her master's nuts as she started deepthroating him like a pro.

Every guy was watching with awe while recording or jerking off as the school's mascot was sucking off the biggest pervert of the school like a cheap 100-yen whor*. They all didn't believe it at first, but after seeing the pictures and videos that were leaked around the campus. They had to see for themselves when it was announced that Koneko would give them a show this evening.

And the rumours seemed to be true as the beautiful white-haired catgirl continued sucking her master off right in front of all these people, which only fueled both Issei's and Koneko's arousal as Issei took hold of Koneko's head, grabbing a bit of her cat ear as well as he forced Koneko's face deeper against his crotch as the rook gagged a bit as Issei couldn't help but bite the bottom of his lips as he neared his org*sm.

"Take a good look, everyone~! Hellcat over here will soon get a treat of her favourite milk~!!" Issei announced loudly in the gymnasium as every guy was looking at them with anticipation. Issei started treating Koneko's face like a cum sock as the underclassman was shaking with her own need for a release, but the suit was blue-balling her so hard that she was slowly losing her mind. Issei reached his peak, and his eyes rolled back a bit as he yelled. "Swallow it all~!" everybody watched with fascination as his sem*n entered Koneko's stomach and started filling her insides at a rapid pace making the guys who were jerking off while watching go on cum as well.

Koneko's eyes rolled back as the sheer volume of her master's seed started to go over what her body could handle. sem*n shot out of her nose and the edges of her mouth as Koneko's legs spasmed. Issei pulled Koneko's head off his dick but kept her close as he jerked his dick off a bit to get the final ropes of sem*n painted on Koneko's face, who tried her best to catch as much sem*n as she could.

The crowd went wild as Issei let go of Koneko's head, making her fall onto her back, shaking as she still hadn't been able to climax herself, which was making the catgirl go crazy, but she knew in order to earn her org*sm. She needs to please her master.

Issei took a little moment to calm himself down as he looked back at his pet and grinned.

"Show the people how much you love your favourite milk," Issei ordered as he lifted Koneko off the ground and made her face towards the crowd. The catgirl immediately followed her master's instructions and used her index fingers to spread her lips as wide as possible to give all the boys present a good view of all of her master's sem*n in her mouth.

"M-My master's m-milk is t-the b-b-best~!" Koneko exclaimed as she played with the sem*n with her tongue, making sure to make as much noise to further drive the crowd wild before closing her mouth and swallowing it with one giant gulp. That sound nearly made all the guys explode as they could barely believe what was happening in front of their eyes.

But the show wasn't over yet. Issei walked over to his pet and played with her ear a bit, which made Koneko pur in delight. Issei grinned, feeling that his pet deserved a reward for pleasing the crowd so well.

"Hold on," Issei whispered, lifting Koneko's body from the ground by her back. Koneko was confused for a bit but felt her instincts kick in as she reached with her arms to secure them around her master's neck so that she was holding herself up with her enhanced strength while her master still had his hands freed. Koneko gulped as Issei chuckled, slowly trailing his hands over her leathered-up body.

"Do you guys want to see Hellcat's slu*tty puss*?" Issei asked the crowd, who all erupted in response.

"YES!!" The crowd replied, making Issei grin more as he pulled the zipper of the bitchsuit that was right where Koneko's puss* was and pulled it down enough so the entire crowd had a good view of the rook's puss* that was dripping with need and lust as everybody started taking pictures again as Koneko blushed at her most sacred place being visible towards guys she mostly didn't know about.

Issei's finger started softly rubbing over Koneko's folds. The rook shuddered against her master's body as Issei started fingering her in front of everybody.

"M-m-master~" Koneko whispered as her juices started already squirting onto the floor. Still, Issei didn't seem to care too much about it as he kept pushing two fingers in Koneko's c*nt, making the rook moan in pleasure while the crowd was staring at the scene like a bunch of dogs looking at a treat.

"Shhh, let all the people see the real Koneko Toujou~" Issei whispered into her cat ears while also softly nibbling on it, which sent another shock of pleasure coursing through her body as Koneko's face started to become that of a slu*t again as her eyes rolled back. At the same time, her tongue refused to stay in her mouth.

The crowd cheered, which only fueled the pleasure the catgirl was feeling as Issei started to furious finger Koneko's slu*tty puss* with three fingers now as Koneko was quickly reaching her own org*sm, which she was denied the entire night.

"I-I-I a-am g-g-going t-to CUM~!!" Koneko screamed at the top of her lungs, which caused the crowd to scream as well Koneko came so hard that her juices squirted so hard out of her puss*, making it fly into the sky before falling on the ground, making some of the boys actually try to catch some with their mouths.

Issei watched with the biggest grin on his face as Koneko was panting from the powerful org*sm as they were close to the great finale. Issei lay on the ground with his dick fully erect as he told his pet to move.

"Time to show everybody who you belong to, my pet," Issei instructed, making the catgirl nod her head weakly. She slowly started crawling over to her master while looking at him with a smile.

"What should I do, master? Nya~" Koneko asked in a cute yet slu*tty manner which made the crowd start cheering for her Issei grinned at them as Issei nodded to his pet.

"f*ck yourself while facing all these people. Show them who is your owner." Issei ordered, making his pet nod with an eager smile as she moved her body so her puss* was right on top of her master's throbbing dick while her face was aimed at all these people who were eagerly watching her give them a show they would never forget.

"Nya~!" Koneko gave the crowd one final cute cat sound before descending her puss* onto her master's dick that eagerly pierced through her entrance, making Koneko's eyes roll up in her head as she started f*cking herself on her master, who just let his pet do all the work while the crowd was going absolutely wild as Koneko bounced herself on her master with so much force that it almost sounded that actual shockwaves were coming from each movement.

While everybody thought that it must be some kind of special effect. It was actually the truth, as Koneko was using her Rook attribute to f*ck herself as hard as she possibly could on her master, who was enjoying it with the biggest grin on his face.

Koneko's eyes were filled with nothing but lust as any trace of her previous self was erased by the pervert as now stood the sex pet of Issei Hyoudou, who eagerly f*cked herself in front of anybody for her master who slapped her ass that was still encased in the bitchsuit which only added to Koneko's pleasure who kept moaning and bouncing with the biggest slu*tty smile on her face.

"M-m-master~! M-m-more~! Nya~!" Koneko begged as she slammed her ass on her master's pelvis, making Issei thank Satan himself for thinking of promoting himself to a Queen before doing this, or he might have his entire crotch pulverised by Koneko's deadly bouncing.

"Yes~! My little pet! Keep f*cking yourself on my dick!" Issei yelled while roughly holding on to Koneko's tail which made the catgirl let out a high-pitch moan as she came on his dick again. But that didn't stop Koneko from bouncing herself to oblivion on her master's massive tool that was leaving a very visible dent in her stomach, which only turned on the watchers more.

"Yes~! Yes~! Yes~! Yes~! YES~!! NYA~!!" Koneko shrieked as she came again and again on her master, who kept playing with her body, which only turned the catgirl on even more as she brought her hands up to mimic a cat more as she smiled at the crowd. "I-I l-love m-master's dick~! Nya~!"

All the boys screamed out in joy as Koneko's voice turned them on even more. They all cheered for the hellcat, who just smiled back as she kept on org*sming on her master's dick to the point that Koneko could only see flashes of cameras as her brain was overdriven with sexual pleasure.

Issei's eyes rolled back a bit as well as he felt Koneko's tight puss* walls nearly squeeze his dick off his body. Issei couldn't help but roll her eyes as he was about to org*sm as well from the sheer pleasure he was feeling.

"I'm going to f*cking cum! Take it like a good pet~!" Issei announced as he grabbed onto Koneko's waist and started thrusting up into Koneko's puss* as deep as he could, which made Koneko's last working brain cells give up as Koneko's face turned into one of pure sexual bliss with no thought behind her amber eyes.

Issei didn't seem to realise that his pet had literally fallen unconscious as he kept f*cking her puss* with nothing but lust in his eyes. With one final thrust, he came so hard inside her that he made Koneko shoot up awake again and shriek out a moan to the crowd, who all cheered as Koneko's stomach literally started to inflate with her master's sem*n.

"T-t-t-to m-mu~!" Koneko barely could utter what she wanted to say as her head just started hanging from the sheer mind-break she was experiencing as her body fell back onto her master's front, who managed to catch her as his pet just hung onto her master as her eyes started to close.

Issei smirked as he stroked her cheek before pulling her off his body and lifting her up in front of everybody, who cheered at the scene. Issei decided to give them one final performance before ending the show.

While Koneko was still unconscious, Issei wrapped his arms around her pregnant-looking belly and slowly started hugging it. Immediately a massive blast of sem*n shot out of her puss* onto the floor as Koneko just accepted what her master was doing to her body as all the sem*n that her master had given her left her body in an instant, leaving her gaping puss*.

As the last drops of sem*n left her puss*, Issei pulled Koneko into a possessive hug as he smirked at the crowd. "Hope you all enjoyed the show of my pet until next time~," Issei said before walking off the stage with Koneko in his arms, getting a whole lot of cheers and cries from the crowd as Issei and Koneko soon disappeared from the building.

(Weeks later)

It has been a few weeks now that Issei had unintentionally turned the mascot of the school into his personal f*ck pet. While luckily, many people didn't ask questions about what happened. Not even Rias and the rest of the peerage greatly helped Issei enjoy the disaster he had created.

But while his school life went on, nothing major seemed to be happening. Except for one giant thing, which is...

Koneko became pregnant.

It became obvious after the two weeks that Koneko's stomach started sticking out. But Issei figured that the rapid pregnancy must be another side effect of the collar, and when he told the president. She was happy with the idea of getting new kittens and welcomed the idea with open arms.

Issei wasn't sure if Rias was expecting a literal kitten or a child. But Issei decided not to do too much about it, even with the pregnancy. It didn't stop him from enjoying the body of his soon-to-be mother of his children.

Now, alone in the living room of his house. Issei was watching TV butt naked with a cold drink in his hand as his pet Koneko was fully naked as well, with her cat features out while sucking on her master's dick, trying to get her dinner milk for the evening.

Issei smiled as fondled Koneko's ass and gave it a good smack as he felt the need to cum. He pushed his pet's head down, making her deepthroat his dick fully before unloading his sem*n into her mouth. Koneko eagerly drank her master's sem*n with loud gulps, which only further aroused the young man, who let out a sigh of contentment as he let go of Koneko's head, making her pull back and show all the cum in her mouth to her master.

Giving his pet an approving nod, Koneko closed her mouth and swallowed all the sem*n in one giant gulp before opening her mouth again to show her master.

"T-thanks for the delicious milk, master, Nya." Koneko smiled as Issei played with her ear, which made her purr as she latched her body against his. Issei smiled, saying he couldn't be happier with how his life had turned out.

As Issei was enjoying himself, he suddenly had a thought as he turned to his pet, who was resting her head on his thigh. "Koneko?" Issei called her out, making her look up with her curious amber eyes. "Since you are pregnant, can you produce breastmilk?" Issei asked, making his pet tilt her head a bit before smiling.

"I think I can master, Nya~!" Koneko answered as she sat up straight and giggled as her master pulled her up and moved her right on his crotch. Her pregnant stomach pressed against his as Issei smiled as her tit* had gotten quite bigger over the week, now being a few cup sized below Rias at the moment.

Issei licked his lips as he latched his lips around Koneko's nipple and started sucking on it to hopefully get what he was looking for. While he was sucking on her nipples, the catgirl started gyrating her wet puss* on her master's dick, which quickly rose fully erect again.

Konko purred as her nipples were being played with. Her eyes rolled up a bit as she felt her master sucking on her nipples very hard, which made the catgirl moan louder as her body shook a bit as a silly smile appeared on her face as out of her nipples, a clear white liquid started leaking out as she was successfully producing breastmilk for her master and her future kittens.

Issei's eyes perked up as the delicious taste of breastmilk filled his mouth. He eagerly started drinking his pet milk as his dick was starting to hurt from how hard it had become. While Koneko's nipple was inside of his mouth, he lifted her body up a bit as he positioned his dick aimed at her crotch. But because his attention wasn't aimed at his dick and where it was going, he accidentally positioned it right in front of Koneko's asshole and lowered Koneko's body back onto his dick, making the future mother moan in pleasurable pain, as her rectum was being forced open by her master's dick.

"M-my a-ass master! Nya~! Koneko moaned as she wrapped her arms around her master's head, who kept sucking on her nipples like a hungry baby as the catgirl was slowly bouncing on her master's dick that was pushing into her asshole, spreading it out to his liking and making sure she isn't going to be sitting on her ass for the next couple of days.

Issei kept gulping down his pet's breastmilk while she was f*cking herself anally on his dick; his eyes rolled back at the sensation of Koneko's super tight ass squeezing around his dick and the delicious milk that he was gulping down like drinking water in the middle of the night on a hot summer day.

Issei felt himself nearing his climax as he held onto Koneko's waist tightly. He made her bounce harder and faster on his dick while he sucked on both of her nipples as hard as he could, which sent both of them over the edge and climaxing together.

"CUMMING~! NYA~!!" Koneko shrieked as her asshole was being filled up with her master's seed while her nipples started shooting out milk into Issei's mouth. He eagerly drank Koneko’s milk while Koneko's tight ass was milking his dick.

Both of them started to slowly calm down as Issei let go of Koneko's nipples and let a bit of milk roll down her stomach, making his pet giggle as she looked back at her master and kissed him on the lips with nothing but love and lust for the pervert whom she used to dislike not long ago.

A strange but fortunate turn of events for a guy who just wanted some puss*.

Collared Ascension - Helix_Bami - Highschool DxD (Anime) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.