Anderson Weekly Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson Weekly Heraldi

Anderson, Indiana

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I4 7 7 tf 4 'l i A i V4 EXPENSE fc 1 I sStran lTin ir i We ORKNER IN CHARGE 1 New bod springs arm fm'iitaml for PROGfTAi AS PREPARED HEARINGS BEGIN TODAY SM 2 tJ Public Invitation and will HmIi pi ogi am oLnimli BBS (Continued onbage 1 BiSi AftetaoktaA rr limgndm ft tataritr ainlH WlitaminirlroiTOlItin nTffiH pairing expenses oij sliethsre St Louis on I hn States liouerthit it las found dha I rGRAN'D jORYJODAY I DAIRIES INSPECTED THE WEATHE3 will eliv will for today in 1 4 Xf WIMMI CIRTD8EDIIDPPED fhtoi'ium to this tool i) platform hn I it is i hn eus members to kiss while vo I if' I love as the Bible street main little while RED IN ELECT OICERS OR AD 1 iliv tmir xoinig nple wi rip I i tf 1 ilium iSf lTft i ISfW swMb one of vlie most mieiosting ihxlion inm Id bytaho td lien Un onujiw'i ibe LasiZnighl luted "'jltarao Serve for Hie li 1 1 year )e gulling Tin ip bat loli fast and iuiiy 1 50 aloilgi mom 8BIBSWIMD tttG I 0 n7 Mrs John Broadv as rthe Oil entertainment' with the committee for he Ohio iMadison comil met last ernullion of bee llllltt 12 iiild the This Ihih Ijcon partitioned olf mlo living apart niens in each a fiarf'jnoqt titioners Thm po tion set lorth that' the road would' Connect at both unis with aninijirtTvedroadtwIiH'h fa*gi pquireil by the law a i 1 6 1 1 1 on i 1 1 1 be dded atf road da sessioni i ns rs The board will go to Bniomf town slit) todav to inspect a mile ol roml Improved bv the township timUc Reports of viewers wirp received yesterday! or the roads on which pe titions wore granted recently mJTon roe Pipe Creek'and Boone townships The Jordan Reeves road was added 1o those of Alonroe township yester day John Beeson is one ot the AT ALEX 'll ui in luugi nxif hc4 a ml i rtsbHinm i iiilift pi in Gennnif met mg nHfe 7 liii'piogiiin lot 'mill day 2tbetliougli theie Mill bn ubglit Society of evening nf nnd il' upon Jail grounds lor the I uno: tdai bolero ibo board ol Jhe annual oulmg and ro imion of nv July the iiociety 4' Memorial Services of Tribes to Inclu a Speech by Cromer at the Christian ChurchM VOLUME 8 NO 108 ft a Tw ijsdin lilting them above Ihp groimd No Smoking Al lowed tospei Trumpet host for the big rimetingJinimids tliul' there shall be a litllenf'Pd mlBquprpf thimi amdlrp( liun i8 possible iind ba vm put up imiiKTiiiiHiSigiis ng birge htioi sjvhu (anbe ieadat nulls mnong': 1 hese (T mm lauingiXo Smoking 7rhv (of man Emit the book store 'informal ion booth walks and allthoiv bohjly maikod out situ maiksM public litleli hig gionml 'whom Innifcpnmwhophive fiom the ity to mo maj liilih llielr hoiseq Aiccmcnt platfoi pontammg dinking lonntaiir has been built jl fow toot to the west ol Biq tinflitoi lumM elected as Irving qiiartnrsWor p'iitvof yonngB idiosj 1 omjhjliqm ns also atthis onjoyMbo novelty nf cnmiillifo I'TLlke Circus Grounds small one 3 hoispi ti IcTanrl hand ti nek? thewgrunnds hauling fslrawi ticks bed spnngq tents tf nt pok and Urn in mmici aljleotli ei things jiseMhupiE pnation At titnes the imp Jtcsembh si til ills tonl aj going mp Thpr Is a himtln hnd bustlo' amid hll the wmkcis move dike lo wotk PllJCE 2 CENtB 01 tt by cmi 1 1 1 1 11 ssj uers tin? improve ments arorT7ndTobson ()f VairM hiren township and Ta( I hows 01 Ri lu land ttw nsliipM'U he count smv cv or also stives with the vievvots hoy Mvill make tholi1 topoit June 25 Tv tve romls ol three miles or Josh Io be inad Into lion pikes wore jt rr BIG OUR MEETING mi Im north rm fh coimtV Probably all ol the road petitions remain on nie be passed upon E24 I ms a i a 1 1 4 0 i Yesterday 4 ft Tim Oimt health office Pr Cori l3d and tlmiUy health officer Tn MeWdHamsyin ihp hitifr's JiutoniO bilo Vestmdai visited bevQial daTii to tne east and 1101 Hi of theilyon a quiet dnp nt inspection fljic) ipuml little 10 complain of how ever though oiiArOi two suggestions were made' pUi Mr (wo" 'I'hc onditioiis eN be t(i (han nxpeoiedand 1 Imahh otfirers aiu jm llnd io that oth 1 pt uill show ui similarutv (l aitnii jng WATKINS 5 Job kins of jx'm th Anderson tvhu has bet 11 1 1 Ill lor a 1 md of two weeks Is nivqh b( 1 1 I houglMT 01 is slow yg 9J3O ajiu Soug' Teiyh In ttioaii ypL101 TTTr JUb I H'H J1U Pfli Jldj i si 0 i uij (be (bapel ol L1ib woi'kcrsSjionieHHt JW1D jttoi luni'pfft fffW TTTB rao wr gfa*gly (2S? 111 Double Deck Beds One of the leatuies Inch mdicntn the Joretiioughtaii(l iibllltyto plan Ihrotf Vhlrtrtw acti i iz iW ()1 Ir is tie mon Lent This tent Is a largo mm and is fltted after the plairof a slcopiug car '1 wo decks of beds with accommodations foniTfif a Im drod men have been built AViUi sf broad aisle downflie middle of the tent Ihe open an and plenty of room above the head the beds will be wore comfortable than dhoso 'of a sleeping a 1 7 i' Tho latest (ent to go up isTilso largest and nearest the entrance to the camp It is about eighty feet long and will be divided into sleedngand lotoptioi quai I rxThe 1 ittei mH yT i '4 A ii The firstjymbfo hibJmpios QiljitiiJi lj Hie tbiee mile gi nil iwin' Aiu 'Y vt oad I comet loxd ad isoti velum diridgo np li I fox uoi iriilong UiLpyurT i er fai notv iipu bj the Cornu to a point hof'c the iul piQvoiK iil will vonufwl VTTh a giavyl 0BE5TE5JIID i JMSIIIfS JtP a fT T4 7 T777X? Beulah PadcJune'27 Will be All Oay Who Will Graduate 4 1 thor Wi om thousand isitors already l( attendant 1 he Woi 4 camp meeting oldhe Chmen ottGod I A P( with Ei'piajer and song ppi 2k mco at the big audltunumm the rsboc'ial io The Herald1 JVniAXArOIlS "Tml June A verdict Mith it' vvlmn senl eiKuh lass 1 a teiin of fioni two to toilitoon vens in (lie State pilsun and a fine of'liom $10 to nn(l was rn tinned iigamst Hal in (he cilnuiiil CQlftftlils' altehtdpn at lo 1 Thu jui dullbei ate foriistrslxtefVTiiInittrt Tim lunge pi'esinlmg a fraudulent claim' AMIip toiinlv ill last tngbJlij mi ugh said he hud nothing tobaj4 luimedi Ill lv follow nig tile letiini of the yeidut Al A Iljan ol cmmsi'l loi the delense gi'e notue that the delcnso Mould lilo motion Im a new 'I agunsl llimiaugh vsvs lliit as niamigoi lor the Wosfr in Coustruel loir company in street patch ing work im 11)07 he Increased the rec ords of patches recorded by city inspectors thus increasing the city nllowaiicvicto Hie company Illi Mliiih lie had li emit rncl bv which he cei eiv ed 50 per cent ol Hie prolil accruing J'1 Alemoiiil sei vicesovi lllariield tlin Tn St jL lllfi'i and AVliltim If raUmErH'a'st gi mast of lomrs? wli Iffet hppegeiy1 dSB Joining sy ylces will bo Anv tloison lodge iji a nil too members niHl A live lodge 7W vith iCu meme bi i a i id TVy HH trdtah 't Tm lumbl mel i kah liTjr two au i al I t'TT 1 1 1 1 OrTV i i iiunl) (W ship in Ihj ii tiMo Ilent ln ogi dm is Ju mg pum pueiT lol ike i I 'Is fOBmim'S bi tul hie pnvliigsatislaetm wept 1 onSffi" rkt fc ctr wh Travel rand liere ren iriiigsjinst been tmeosjary 'k i Tnbitef City Attorney Hi in rjlates Hi i I Hi A mn Mf Ii'At VMI Id rWdw plans ol Ilio bond ofrwoiks is all for sces fit oi its 11 (i i I i iginaf T'S'" Street Woik The bohrd yesteiday altomoon pngs ed a ri's7hijioii for grading' gi ti ami lira ining ol i St i oet rmii liC Uel tetajrivunly mtlustiucL 1 1 Go i itBtsBwnsrtg rani HI in aiitra? forrmt I mg I tr gITTJ fT i rs mi si r6if cross gx Ohio avmiuui ten 1 writs pm tnot Ion tlm eight tacit pi rur Hie loot Im a him' iiith sewor paiiAif tho distance nanvd Hie spot Ilui tlmisi 4 JI i MeCtimlliss noly lt The ciinfrad'o'f Ddlton nnd V'hitta cm tor paving Walnut strom andhili hl ing sii In walks ami curbs iii: Nich ol a in I rom A ow a yonuoio ibo corporal ion Juki wds nppiov CiU jCfPietv Hill Mains 4 Chief Rngmc Drath otMhm worksbtdtpd to the bociiii HiaU be lore done on Piety Bill Eliete should bo in all 2575 fm of vvaler iiiaJn piit" in in Waluiit'iElev and BlcB'lmr streets and Contrah av uiuT Mi Diu advises Hhis on Um ground dhat'ihii big twenty inch1 lead going soufliifroin the workscand thc sixteen iiK'hrleadmg west Irom it ihouhl be a branch main eii Piety JIIU 'thus getting 1ml ter tho branch mains dhere now3 Other parts ol the hill uirc without ciiy water and unless the mains arc put down now it will I be troiibli'somom) break the paving later tn pul them down Afr Drncb 1 will brder the pipe lor Walnut street ai nin Piping costs only about lour I Piths as riiueh now as two years ago riie Wa In ii I paving but a COLONY TENTS 'J dent ByrunwHours iand Ruies Clai nice Ku7 7 1 1 IDi Now Im a IJPC' ''O' AT f'L JJ Thm eMX Sdiepii iittemi thm fftalrr imgAlo bo lull! af 1 i anapo 1 1 oiT olu 1 JT)11 11 4n imti jivis junior piiI lljotoulfi uemultli io of flits h'l(ga I ion ml ol lrrsch tod Weie 7H'o1MIiri 1 al I I PCi gt i 1 1 Sibir Tpnu 11 1 roi kiwi Shown I4tig(jc KUu(t Pcnnisrlon Vt Cobnut Shipley Cd Albnght uTIibmaS 11 Sniith and 0 Cartwiglif Lukana Council' fl ho ly ciefcjuuoifiu tu kPniv Council Pocahont us lodge1 arc opheUss yMi 51 isHI 7n'P'mima Mi Mai (in Souilcid TJiAprtifalrvpy! TilaTjTm Ing ate Mi sil lines JVItr y' V' Thmno Ed Albiigl Jlissik Mol 111! Allie Russell Memorial Sundav On nojt Simday meinoon til the cn ijalsCb hiaLla uichu rotawil rarer tiio nnnuH Tammany jlay qi Memor falScn ici'hJSoMolhlhe Ommga nml Kam ilMcd nllmi HoorgCw iomer''ol' Minnie will dplner thUi ailih es of 'i lie lu J'oijniceps iii jja jnaskt of CM monies find yi tli uiHoiri in i 1 1 ee omposi dot Smrdei flc JVj Shnwtlir lift 0noiifiiranilT(i i igliiQ7" iy Tliornbiiig md HTAfbBeaf llgnii? Ka mcla tribe will dijcoratejliogiaves of Red Men1 on th'o morning of tlm servicoCT 1 'rTie sei viieV "nil 1" omn rif 9 in IT jm'LrWithiin'TcaHonsbyJlMnGi'affon WwmpHhgfCelLt mr CTu £1 Ian Tlmrchi ad din i or 1 1m ad lircs'S 'liyMKCrotyer Rev 1 Lundy the Arrow" ChiTsi Pin a 7 1 S7 I IGA OrTuu ear i ort Rn pu 1 canriiaiionnl commn Ill meet to mm i ou uf1 1 a jn ind Imgin hear ill btY em erm med 1 he 1 in oi'1r (heuli oi mootings Mn I 7 1 HOI '1 wkid' ywaiiiT'sr ir i 1 Ilf 111 101 v' al aflP tpiaiUis anl MhUV irkniilli ti ills oriiso laml zlijvoi beeii proc ted and muni of thein gii efln Ub Jlie small tents are( 51 ii nng In eight iowj on lour straits tv vr Kif'H'mn meeting tent with seii lAs Ing apai ity loi ally tliieo liuud poisons lias been meted so ith c'lst ol lhe imditoi him A tinipmari board walk has been laid from the broad cement walk leading Io tin1 a ti ll black for illns tiallon is a part of the sermons ol many of Hie mtniKlers and speakers and a nulpll sland Columbus Ohio Ims a largo dele gation hi attendance and sent ti spec ial Time rmvance put up and is now very cred Hable (here being beds i A JBINT SEBIIEE INeNIElBIlBDriaoBESd JlR Has Advertised for Bids for Brick Paving on Piety Hill Against BiturithcY St Louis Rebort ijAv: tKMH HERALD DOWN THE WnIIlVGTO'J I ith( I Indiana lor idav' and end 1 1 i 474 Js Piopeitv owner: the live sticrts oiLtaety Mill bi l( 'p mbl aceoi iliilftL to Hieoi Igf mil plans of the boariHof works ciiy allnimj ami itC engine'll' tT hough they have been kicking for a bitulith lc pin enmiit ilnd have h(ld imligna lion nu i lings the bon ()ks membi i i slei diiktif i 1 a I isol ul i li lhal vilrilieil brick would Im used ami (hiMmli UlbL' iLhudlsml Joi wltli out lll Illi till I 11 I IV Statement nf'i'Y'AHmi" pbr7dlil((UTLl llli Jit pliM Hie I is5ji i lbSvilsdlmlc CO 1 1111 Uled riupi'opi'i'i ivm'i 1 uiot ask rmanjcluingo olspUlu umiis ifli lllie lesolm tloiishailebeen eonllriimd andutlie May 1 basL tl lie uillj mrng lhei an now do Is fogel HP arlielllion iml hiieeioiv piopbr fy owner on the fb sfi eetkTigji foi thoh mu and submit to the boaul 'J he luiml ol1 hi pd the' it beingentirely optional with the bo nd statod that tho would no the ficiiomol the whiih means tha(A vltufiedtbi 1 will cJ'cail stiei pipperly owner havo T)1 Kill ally llei ided tliatjtjs us less foi lhenLtoJighi for a twenty fotu foot Instead dr a twcnb sl't 'foot idi1wiy ol paiinginm 1 '3 board's 'justification 3f tirjiisl i Im i eslini persists ing in use ol i iti iimd rpi par Ing? fluj ol works ha cor responded with Tithes afravUIc the street (onimissioni i oil St homs Jijilductlvhas 2l)83 miles olMitiilith JC ii ing St Louis Uasbeen iuttlug It sln and the aveiage cost per squa i eJ ardjthei TWhanZI itTjg stated that its life is about I ho same asuisphalt The $215 Tlid not include the cost of giadiug none oninc street and board of orks'Ilgui rHhal boon clusr to Comparative Cos Recently the Miard JetHio contract to HJalton umt AVhlttacift for thi piii Jiig ufj Wal nut strer th a $1TI ner sn uai bTyal'il Iiich I e'gtU(t Ing723'hoy ligwaSJ i lierel orethatl Iro cosJUoUIiaJillclwTiaijnglliC3mproiiot il using is but little over half the cost ofr litulit1iiirpavingr7T lie" board th ju tates tliaMrl th a bi ii pav ing Jhu city btuimt tn no expense coiupaut Italy speaking hi maintain ing lhe streets whereas1 they nlnim ha tat new for i ol rpavinEwrmt(l taji'ilui moiQ or less bpilring They slat hat Elglith st reet lias l)en pav JT II rtccu yiars an i rha Lcost Oi e' ity aomE works will cut MR) MT IU NLWPiANS WITH THOUSANDS HERE WED CAMP MEETING i TI i Ifi iinniiiim jurtntu mid hm Tie New Officersrile ofOieis 1(( ted flHI SCRAP IS HOTiHEfi Others Con Ti bsidered by County Com mis NO KISSING BY MEMBERS nn iieies is diJNIENTUN i 5 1 tollovvinft $5 the list olitixr Eoone TownsJuo Outlie Oiikev Jiss Henis Io (Im hi mull (lion nlackbum' 10(1 ilh yitf lita LOjlutal Jancoc anl ll'uuoUn J'llii Siilliian 5 Emm i Kw iitm slioi nrin ym' ori Ciuv nlngliam 'y 1E 'A on I IhtirDt apb1 I'dilir Thompson Lois Hlone Mamtafiilhiiv Iri noRiisluingGrover McMahan Ljman RtawailnVenlIiy LusetaKob Mlllu' Str liln nsoiitaVina llntili SmihLil I ils if Wai i wT I taltaeffitafe jMVi ilV C'ooporf Rny Bagley Bynum I ORg cm a aMOOI a Vn liilih ley Hosier lsonvVtaLltJiiliut light" riotothv 'Sinnmol I Rinltli 'Nellie NeCse Mabil Lio tat as 1 a nT wshm Emmfe GaalH aigraSLyei ifcraSaiUieft' Sid! Aimsuon Ritla At nisi mug Demy Biown Ralph Johnson 'ord' Isaac Elint Mildred 'Allen Hltizi Dunlap Glay ton lltr Resums InvestigalionacBegun as Three A TTho ground jmy will io convene In kperf session today to (pmulue Wmklt lu gin lie illy linen workH ago 'liiale in eonit'aurl I ImEp'iiabiU ty of soine Wiln ssl iboi pies nl (W him waul ed ami wilsosSlale erm von 11011(111(1 tin I'llngsshaw (iimd Hu )iu io liiv lo slopoi I iwiii'llm di lay has noi ft s'lhl inleta i ml mmh mi si mal mu 'ol ei lain cases bi ilie giand juty Inqniy into some tow nsliipiff ill bo rebiimedlSoini' now business lor a he Jm has also don lop but alltai does notatierl aiu losllui I ownshi Iriis I Jl 1 1 I SOCIETY OUTING 1 I 1 Date and Place Decided UponLast A' Night 4 'MrS 75T Williams Mis TT Up ami committee Pt flu py jodl PipP ainMIomm fownsh ips Township ErredW' JncksonH ownship had im iisdirst po JO JO njliJi! tar i 'll 1 1 i I I 1 I IHIH1 luiu 1 I I IT'mi IJkpt' ntdlor exlrn meetings I nmnt but IJwas sent back to the po Jlk 11 1 'a on onimn 7 1 77 'I he 'iiuiiilx i Jf contests Jilcd sd I I i laiRcJlinJheh Isettlem oil i 'easily has become the most Impotlant of the pre contention pi oceedmgs Thenomiha K011 the Iteimblican for4'1 absolutely Tho decision oJbeTmenibers' of tbe nutionalu comniltlee iintL thet subso v'fL TfuenJa ppi ovai'of it rlecTslrnpj by 7L the ci deiiliils ommltteetot thJfbnr kt tenHimHali the ioniums dcrldeddri TYOt of Reci elai Tall esdllt 5 iltahLsw inning on i the lu si ballot? While failing ibislnumber TJb mnquest iomiblysavouldfpu lit rmTiiorriuja Yt a 'Ilenlizme'the ocusitv'of looping taX 'U mnmiiy ot Um contested deh'gates out ol the Taft column (lie teiireseii taflus Of other candidates have yxyol tan most of the cases and a ttS ulllesr Ill in ge their claims be loie lbo national eommlttef The'pto tliei efoi errlargelv rw1ll be lOhoIicd into a Taft1 nnd ''anti 'Iuft ont ron i syq rvrrV5 tar asH eSou lh1 con ce rned nd mostmta Irrcrm tmrt srW nrCTWrTT lorn SOilth pt the IMdSon and Hl von VJ I edhxun I rests ol tluta illles mc l'ii'8 1ooked atlcr lJyM1j QJD Mhy r5 OU of A'ii an vej in I oils nnriouni th it he would base his aratimenlq chir iiv "tin iiTe content ioji meet of JbPs hUtlft 1 rftefnLauHA H'sP4 I LA i iLL I I I i lLuil ihernegro i vot i onijaiJic ipat ing hU 1 be stated 1 Tt Nti'ict oTn i ji (loiTTh the al klLg at i I been select from Which no 3rapGivrnjceirTjai i ed it i i No Oratory Qoesr AMProgra nTiffappenToul byv Va tlonal Chahniuil llerrv Now to tms ei ho pyoecefl ngs fj com 1 1 1 dii lmat imjhe coin i i re I Itavii little oppori argumenlsr mJ oioiytoiicalioffoit'will ')a)rsenledriiifcpiogistm ill i hfvAmibmittedto lhe fnnimitlCOT MaeTiotl imnV diale ly Ubon ilii nllodTo oi' dor lomorrpWiUll i)l hi pyide for daL I ly meitirj to begin at l()i a mtand oonlinue untiM 1 1 oi rttces J1r AeU yidi side will li iillow in Stale contests ilnoR lollW'ddft tlielj jitarnal ot in cm iniserT runrniryloinnXsur Ip confoMs IhlTsIatCk being lahnna' lolldt Georgia fdppi Noi th t'ntnlina Oklahoma Jibuti' olinajTennessee xTeu a nnd Virginii The leinalmng dole su JilUCS hi rtmtTptanrAaroUEflLa 1 1 erhi digit ietsHirJhjstales imedit kati mis 1vpn i nr Iras nidw) Music Im oration i ld Ro rAw (1bu il sVociitasolo 1 ocAfrs1 1 itasN'tnrmn 7Viiri1Tf7dM11)nl idefljdSElw ood Co i 3e 1 1 I 1 1 i iimfb'j hofuas RNMarslmlij fW Ltlt ni bfit ICI twinu' i tw Music iVorsUtadhrbt uav Rtan nctatai modinyiLioiiofillta riuiD id I 1 pirn mi nd tfw Rtrr1('0r'iuli 1 tlzi fr 'in ilMoIu kl is rLQ 'in gMusT MN 3 TMJlslrrnBTITI Tieni'dicllon Ilov Wm (Tianl RnITlh Hftid iiiiiii'it STREET CIANINC I TA' 'According to Proclamation sBcmg Gin et Commissioner pngagip 111 in mmguu I'nk Place MTioiiling to oclatnatlon of May 0 Terhune' It (the Weulhet Will per mit wm tlie'a est of the week he is ol the opliilon thht he1 can co'rnlilete the woik this week 'rAh'eady over lour wagon loadd of trash flnve bifll hank aw ay I lI'WH yMrARelL 'in that In Evalyn Lauy of the) hom*os do not have li 'mo calls nml fouml runny cases Intel he was expected to haul the I tfli i gaibtge It Is piobablu that as 11 siilt the Eialvn poopin' will I Inch to get busy and seiXja tecep (ticks foi (heli gaibtge RANK VAN PETTEN ILL Z1 '(ink Vail Pettlrt son 'of LT ait I ci fi'ii uderwt nt an opera lion mi SI hospital yesterday bo w'as not serious one iui Hm iml will be about In a ohort I I ij HI 0 RvAref1 Judd 'Cai ttar4" Mta mr The Program EolloWig is tlc dayprogi ani and A8dJluutaouhlallxataa5stJiiuUajais sonibl tgol hitallbatli iJjiTgroyC ilUlJta JataSUl! ni Jks 1 1 1 pl pliic(vfoitahi hoxurfJsos Hand concert 1o a Tm anoii rr 7M1 piano diir 1 Ttar rtayrrTT "iL sill 1 1 vntrrni 1 1 eta WiesTT Music Slctioliolltan Rand J2 IS A lldjess Rev Goo Wi "Winfrey Will sojo ta rMissr tana TTlmr did urn uyHeic4l 5i IbikrnittaDiiinf'iDiTwE i be Gospel rumpet Hoifte Grounds Thronged With People rom Several Coun tries Greeted irst Day With Devotional Service Before Breakfast New JAucJjtorium Used irst Last Night 'V a Thoi iGirill 1i)iilJ7fiou of 1 11 pci In tanint otta I liiMi 'iltq oi lsiii lhc 1 of iul 1 son" aiu tlitaexpn i ion ol ibeorut 01 Samtiil 'Avrowi ll tlm IHcsi ntabitiK 1 iiimm eitabyjji member ot llipboaid 01 01 1 talfiilv ould iul 1 lui umn 11U ep uses otai ho 111 to 1 hcT'aniount pb 1 im'siiiMnlMxlcnl's satay begin mug TEli yieai'b 'I ow ell liiaws siJii a ill or Months On iieiouni of illness Mr Tow ell has hern iblj? to ilo lit'lle woilc tor lhe lastfwi 1 il monlhsraml gi adunl JjC I'JV "d11 iallcnnioi ejind mol'iL on thiuu houldei slot Mrtalem i Dra li 4 1' taLmig mcx iuidjlgllt plantj' lib pffiie Wm Oemir med lorMiVMtai biucLuy' 10' ry Tofri II Atal ha pi time I le 'is pnmnS ContcSplaied uind 'MrUrach hasa uoiuplele charge racta In Ch a 1 ta mjii II aS Mr Iji ai indgklrd Skohaifaio taking c5re ol 'Thi'tauiTl? so i'll dltalih O'Ue oniUwonMleis Il all ogethel mini cessm vtao oiilinue Ilio CXTHn ol the coin eonsiiiei jit 1 ow ell a highly clileienu itpeiliKijncUnit tai oils 1 hal ilmi (i iio ueml of Jhe extra office expense and MtvTowell lias smiflCieiT irif Tit any Mnfb'ihc ritv Mliriilrl hn fit rmnd nf hla ndvinp the local jp waiiliLhe gLvcn winingIy4ind fr cc the acttlji1 pTeTiiwan tvil1iinRlL ftr J1ii n1ane su pcunuaid on otllits )laiitan ext year The board reappoinllcd Mr Towel ylienIlimmtOiOlllefc ly the appointment of Mayor 1 1 vi esf I Mr Towtll has been htipci Intend willin' 'Wirk kvstpri) nml4c TYHTtfcU iiiffiMtssiinfI ss1 11r)Uiila and ayoi '1 erhnno avin resigned 1 1 qutl 1 re 1 1 ancy of 1 he fire depaitment in to flt apt his Mrer initanosi I to omta Sfl ioMSir he lull! both positions HO vaj lire diiefMuttanghtayeartaaiuI was the first fire clue! Hie ei ty evor haital 1 aw Tppoi 1 1 1 1 1 wa tertavo 1 ks position bv Jilavor Terhune who was hl offlco Iff 1S1I1 0 Wing 1 oddsucl ti clr ney aM ToweU coni mi tho suocefflliiigi'lKlniinistratioiis and ivlmn i'oi kiu Rid Ills RomlofiatK Col oa I llVU 1 i yuf CUyyf Ohtayvutam 111 al iw'fls eon Tiniied in hi d1 AIitHdl1 'htatQS hetaiip lio 1 new syslun Ihoi muchly and was Pon cleiiHo it lil tlio liTIIHTinaiiLiorhis Hie WtaR VcrRoamiiiK and all of his 1 1 lo liasjl aiuMiniipf lictiy py I IP now vet yTowi froin MA inn hw iiLdeii erashoi Uuldiw Tun 1 ta AJUtu nni uv SSLVUnil UHISie UlUOIli vrtik ir will TlitnwsTiittlonlr Uie Brandon quartet jy tay Contested Delegatesare rom South' of Mason' and lino Nnl nun unu UUIHIHI" jj tee Busy at Chicago ta Rita 1 jta ny tlmmein Pm Place utpi o't lock ta" Ihis mot mng imh ml iiiuetaoi' ten days rt Scr prevhtng for 11 (Vf srA Ihi' fust time lb uudilmium mid one thousand pfopleilnclmling tho Gospel Tiuniint workeis In ing in this listened Hirst IioTTScrttion iRevJl Riggles of Cambndge Si11 mgs Pa Iilli the pulpit Ho is 111 ev'inei list nnl in I I wm Zhind isalso a( on 1 1 ibutmg eduor Mo (ospel Ti limpet tho weekly ue jligious papc) 'publisheitain this saSs Tlio speakei IsdIso era noo 'thtr company pt mis? subject was Imhvidimiity taj ol Sail 'Ilion JAB 1 and mlmslerfof Michyalso SI io ke oursf Sery ice ta4 affsTh pi og 1 am 0 rt Iicfir gjliy ie 1 itibe tingmiiieh7iTly 1 1 ti mlmm oE vai ijj iiot known eC( pt in ai is to erq he bout lhtamer tingsfoqeo low I (rOOam shTpiith'aiulf Toi illllL 2" 1 Board of Works d( 4 Hhat Hramuelfjajiiiell iyrBJIWW50l' vai itt ions loi (liv ino he iling amUbap fc 11 'etas ita wV 7 ta: I Pier dent Byi um's Statement 'uk Ihesl'lenl By Him of 'the (ospi I 1 pl jrtunipet Himpam said listanigbl ta hatatav I wish 10 mute Ibo citizens of An Ctaf' to tlslt om meetings ami uige I henm a end Irai ni 1 tmgerl have interurban Jaishtop "iityiio 1 omuls I 01 di 1 to tai mu mod a 1 0 ta "1H 50 taisaml Vq hi Ich I ng hositsswlio Wish to I I would like to lW'l Ibe general opinion tom of our church Ukiii meeting flml hi brol horly greetings schools 1 11 grad mil on iWisliiesdav Tuim 17 1 eu(ih pu niniiioi Inmg Ah yandli'a win 1 '1 InTis a mblugi will li 1 1 11 il OKU urogram ola numb eve iionuktnngjlontataiiiiLp'i 111 k' 11 llf wc only tlRiig they an now 1 ts Si I fti 4 'v 'ta JZ ta 'ta Mrw' 1 ijMW Ky i I 11 If 'ta' 1 AMEK8ON JMpfAJV KIDAY MORTViJNO JUNE 5 1H08 BS Ba gz 'ta i 7 RAUD.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.